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Versys Clinics - Home
Hungarian English

Address: 7th floor, 47-49. Madarász Viktor street, 1138 Budapest, Hungary, - I. Madarász office building | E-mail: info@versysclinics.com | Telephone: +36 1 799 5120, +36 30 332 0670

Versys Clinics

Versys Clinics

"A child can complete a family. My goal is to help every infertile couple to achieve they dream of having a healthy baby. It requires the application of effective, innovative but proven beneficial methods. I believe in complex approach and in the strength of cooperation."


Versys Clinics Success lies in cooperation

Welcome to the website of Versys Clinics. In Hungary, approximately 150-200 thousand couples struggles for many years to finally become able to have their child in their hands after long time of waiting. In Versys Clinics, we do our utmost to make life complete for infertile couples and everyone who needs specialized treatments on various fields.

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Artificial Reproduction Technologies (ART) – Infertility

Endoscopic surgery

Ultrasound diagnostics

Obstetrics and gynaecology



Our clinic is taking the time to get to know the human itself in patients in order to be able to better map the problem when they are coming to us. This is the very reason for elaborating specific methods that help us to manage and tackle these problems in a personalized manner. Success is based on mutual trust. We are doing our best in order to acquire and preserve Your confidence while working together in the aim of achieving mutually settled objectives.

Our professionals can boast an outstanding professional practice at both national and international level, actively participate in scientific research, disseminate and publish their results and are the members of several scientific panels.

Versys Clinics' staff regularly participate in international professional trainings, thus providing Hungarian patients with access to state-of-the-art procedures and professional standards.


Dr. Attila Vereczkey Dr. Attila Vereczkey


Versys Clinics' technical equipment meets the highest international criteria. In our clinic's laboratory diagnosis center and in the operating rooms a pressurized sterile air conditioning system provides germ-free air to create an optimal environment for surgical interventions. In our laboratory, we use the clinically proven, safest, highest performance equipments and mediums. Preservation of samples stored in the clinic is guaranteed by complex safety systems, while safe operation of the laboratories and operating rooms is regularly monitored by an independent laboratory.
Versys Clinics is using nationally and internationally accredited quality assurance systems (ISO 9001, MEES) and independent auditors.


The number of babies that were conceived with the help of the doctors of Versys Clinics is more than:

Versys Clinics

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My mission to tell you:
As long as you have any strength left, fight for it!