In developing the individual concept of Versys Clinics, it was essential to create a high-tech equipped, international level health care center, which would not only be expressed through our professional attitude but also in a relationship of trust and harmony with patients who are turning to us.
We believe in the effectiveness of complex and holistic approach: various medical specialties have to work hand in hand in order to provide our patients with innovative solutions along the most effective and gentlest methods.
In addition to physical treatments, we attach great importance to provide adequate information and prepare patients psychologically as well, since we are aware that procedures often turn out to be emotionally demanding. In our infertility center, besides investigations and interventions, our patients have the opportunity to stay with our institution and to deliver their babies with the help of our professionals. We are pleased to response your questions and remarks.
Approximately 150-200 thousand of Hungarian couples are striving for the moment to take their babies in their hands after long years of waiting and struggle. In Versys Clinics, we are doing everything we can to help these infertile couples.
- Based on the methodology elaborated by the Versys Clinics working group, our institute considers infertility in a complex approach, which means that professionals from different medical fields are actively cooperating in the objective of helping our patients returning home with healthy babies.
- Our institute was the first in Hungary to introduce the periconceptional program: in order to carry out the most effective treatment our professionals use a complex diagnostic study of the couples (nutritional disorders, environmental factors, stress, lifestyle effects, etc.).
- Our medical professionals are at an extraordinary level of domestic and international experience. Our medical director, Dr. Attila Vereczkey has over 20 years of professional experience and has been leading infertility institutes since 2001 .
- Our medical professionals are pursuing academic activity, are members of several scientific societies, are participating in continuous international professional training, thus providing Hungarian patients the most advanced procedures and professional standards.
- Our professionals are constantly at Your disposal, helping to acquire all the necessary information that enables You to bring the best decisions at all moments.
- Thanks to the complex approach and the utilization of most advanced technologies, the number of successful IVF treatments carried out in our institute reaches the performance indicators of world-leading institutions.
- Versys Clinics puts huge emphasis on effective administration, consequently the waiting time is reduced to the minimum and there is no waiting list.
- Our institute does not have state funding. The prices of treatments can be determined in advance, doctors and staff do not accept any gratuity.
- Our institute is the first in the country to organize an oncofertility working group, the sole holding investigation licence for the freezing of ovarian tissue in case of women affected by cancer.
- The safe operation of our laboratories and operational rooms is regularly monitored by an independent laboratory.
We use quality assurance systems (ISO 9001, MEES) audited by independent auditors in accordance with domestic and international standards.
For Versys Clinics' staff it's important not only to professionally but humanly support couples in the process of becoming a parent.
- Tags:
- versys clinics
- Humán Reprodukciós Intézet Kft
- nemzetközi színvonalú
- csúcstechnológia
- bizalmi és harmonikus kapcsolat
- komplex szemlélet
- holisztikus szemlélet
- egymással együttműködve
- legkíméletesebb módszerek
- innovatív
- lelki felkészítés
- meddőségi központ
- terhesgondozás
- teljes élet