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Hungarian English

Address: 7th floor, 47-49. Madarász Viktor street, 1138 Budapest, Hungary, - I. Madarász office building | E-mail: info@versysclinics.com | Telephone: +36 1 799 5120, +36 30 332 0670


We would like to inform our patients, that in case of a last minute appointment, (which has not been scheduled in advance), a 20% extra charge can be added to the bill, also if an examination or surgery is scheduled for a Sunday or a public holiday, we add a 20% extra charge to the bill.

Prices (all prices are in Euros, and payment must be done in Euro; prices are valid for all subjects who are not covered by Hungarian national health insurance - TB):
In vitro fertilization:, 3 000 - 9 000 €, depending on the technique used (ICSI, PICSI, Assisted hatching, preimplantation genetic examination, etc.)
Minimal invasive surgery: 2 000 - 6 000 €, depending on the technique used (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, CO2 laser surgery, etc.)
Plastic surgery: breast implantation, augmentation: 3 500 - 5 000 €; facial plastic surgery, eyelid plastic surgery: 1 500 - 3 000 €; small local interventions on skin (filling, Botox, etc.): 250 - 500 € per region.
Nose Art: primary rhinoplasty: 2 000 - 4 000 €; secondary rhinoplasty: 2 500 -5 000 €.

Prices on the Pricelist are indicative only, a detailed written price offer will be created upon first visit or on your request prior to first consultation.

Further information: + 36 1 799 51 20, info@versysclinics.com